Chloe Simpson – ‘Working Animals’
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Chloe Simpson – ‘Working Animals’

This body of work explores working animals, otherwise known as draught animals, within a rural setting. Animals have historically been used to help with agriculture and have been trained to carry out tasks or to provide for us. These animals are essential to our lives whether we are directly in contact with them or not. Some animals provide food and clothing while others aid the process for farmers. All animals pictured within this work are well cared for to ensure they are fit and healthy to carry out what is needed around the land. The working animals that are featured within the project are local to Cumbria, especially animals that are most used in the countryside/farming lifestyle. This includes shepherding, breeding livestock and gun dogs to name a few.


The project seeks to educate the audience about the way life works around farms and the relationship between the workers and the animals. The project also seeks to celebrate this relationship and demonstrate the continuous work that puts food on our tables.


Harry Monks (Shepherd), stated that “our life cannot stop because of Coronavirus, we have to keep working to look after our animals, to provide food for the supermarkets… I work with my dog as a team, she loves to work and never wants to stop. She makes my job easier. I don’t know what I would do without her”.

